One of the organizers of the October 19 rally was summoned to the prosecutor's office

Today, the municipal deputy for the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district, Alexander Gruzinov, was summoned to the district prosecutor’s office, where he was given an order on “Proper behavior”. He refused to sign this order, saying that he could also issue an order to the district prosecutor’s office not to take bribes.
Also, one of the activists received a call today from a man who introduced himself as a police officer. This person strongly recommended our activist to spend the weekend at home, or even better to leave for another region. In response, our activist asked him to introduce himself as it should be to a law enforcement officer, to which he simply hung up. Since the call came from a mobile phone, we tried to contact the so-called police officer again, but he did not want to answer us.
This evening, a meeting was held with the head of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district council, at which there were about 150 local residents. In the near future, we will provide readers with a video report.
October 19 at 15-00 rally in Horoshevo-Mnevniki

On October 19, a rally against illegal hostels and police inaction will take place in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki. beginning at 15:00. Place – at the monument to the Militia at the intersection of Narodnogo militia street and Marshal Zhukov!
Did you know that there are at least 3 hostels for illegal immigrants in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki? That in total, according to our data, there are about 25,000 guest workers, most of them are men of working age. According to the official data of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, the population of the district is 166 804 people, including children and the elderly. This is more than one in ten. Every third man in the district is an immigrant! Scary? So the residents got scared, but they do not want to sit at home and be afraid further! They start asking questions. Why are there fewer and fewer migrant workers? Why do residents use utility services on a limited basis, while migrants connect to the networks and steal on our people what belongs to us by right? They are asking, Why do the statements accumulate in the ATC tables and do not go further? why the FMS writes illiterate replies !!!
GUESTBUSTERS will help residents to gather a rally! And we also invite the head of the district police and the head of the FMS of the SZAO, so that they on the street, looking people in the eyes, say what they are getting paid for! Let them explain why the police don’t come for calls? Why are cases of beatings and rapes lying in the tables of the Department of Internal Affairs, and not in court? And why does the FMS call registration in non-residential premises valid? And most importantly, how much and from whom they receive for this!
The 20th of October. Khimki. Project Gastbusters Team Raid! Compete for the title of the best "hunter"!

October 20 in Khimki (!) A BIG TEAM RIDE of the GASTBASTERS project will take place. Several teams from Khimki, Moscow, Ryazan will compete for the title of the best hunters of the project! Map, route, required number of points to check and … of course – time! The fastest hunters who did their job efficiently and provided correctly filled out forms will be awarded. Everyone else will also not leave without a gift!
Join yourself and bring your friends! Do not be afraid – each team will have an experienced participant who has participated in raids more than once! Briefing and everything you need – before the start of the competition!
Persons are allowed to participate:
– from 18 years old,
– not in a state of alcoholic and / or drug intoxication,
– those who paid a contribution to the prize fund in the amount of 100 rubles and reported this in a personal message
(qiwi wallet 79652545737 methods of replenishment: )
Attention! In case of your refusal to participate, the fee is not refundable.
Teams from 5 to 10 people!
The number of teams is limited! Hurry up to take part!