Migrants Are Carrying “Secret Syphilis”

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Migrants Are Carrying “Secret Syphilis”

“MK” finds out the reasons for the outbreak of venereal diseases in the Saratov region and other Russian regions


The Saratov region found itself in the center of a “venereal scandal” when on October 21, at a meeting of the local city council committee, deputy Alexander Vantsov announced shocking statistics: the number of syphilis sufferers in the region increased by 24%. “The people are rotting!” – simply and clearly summed up the deputy. Where do the doctors look? Could it be that medical unscrupulousness is to blame for this surge?



In January-June 2014, the incidence of syphilis in the Saratov region increased by 24% compared to the same period last year – 488 cases against 394.

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